Workforce Development
Camillus House offers homeless individuals comprehensive vocational training, job placement and support services, empowering them to secure and sustain well-paying employment opportunities.
From Homeless to
Skilled & Employable
Our programs focus on training individuals for high-demand skills in the culinary arts, construction trade, and security field, among others. Partnerships with Miami-Dade College, Florida International University, and Regent Security Services provide women and men enrolled in these vocational training program with required certifications. With a 70% job placement rate upon graduation and starting salaries equaling and/or surpassing our local living wage these vocational preparation programs are providing individuals with a sense of self-worth, a rewarding career, and a proven way out of poverty and homelessness.

Success Story
Devan Blackman, operating a saw, was the first homeless graduate of the FIU construction trade program hosted at Camillus House’s main campus. today, Devan has a trade and her own apartment.