Treatment Services
Camillus House remains steadfast in its commitment to those often overlooked by society.
Compassionate, Individualized Treatment
For more than 30 years, we’ve provided substance abuse treatment to individuals who are addicted and homeless. Through our CARF accredited Institute of Success and Personal Achievement (ISPA) we help homeless individuals struggling with addiction and mental illnesses including PTSD, bipolar disorder, depression, paranoia, and anxiety disorder. Sponsored by Thriving Mind South Florida and the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, ISPA provides participants a personalized and tailored combination of self-help philosophies, individual and group therapy, work training, and social activities that helps them get their lives back on track. Today, 59% of individuals successfully complete the program, better equipped and ready to meet the challenges of daily living.
of Individuals Completed Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
of Individuals Completed Camillus Mental Health Program
Individuals at Risk of Homelessness Assisted
View more about the impact we’ve made on our community.