HUD Representatives Pose During a Tour at Camillus For Immediate Release Miami, FL - As Camillus House expands its permanent housing program to serve a growing number of homeless in Miami-Dade County, the nonprofit just received a vote of confidence…
Camillus House is a temporary place for clients to come and find help to get their life back on track. Once that goal is achieved, what then? The next step is CamillusYOUniversity (CamYOU) for short, an expansion of Camillus House’s…
A family man, father of four who suffers from a degenerative eye disease that has left him legally blind, Hector Otzoy doesn’t let his disability get the best of him. It certainly hasn’t stopped him from volunteering at Camillus House…
Laughing Yoga Participants For Immediate Release Miami, FL - Camillus House through the Camillus Youth Housing Initiative (CYHI) and with the support of funders like Simply, provides support necessary to transition formerly homeless youth from the streets to stable housing.…
For Immediate Release MIAMI, FLA – Camillus House will celebrate its Thanksgiving Day feast at the Norwegian Cruise Line Campus of Camillus House, located at 1603 NW 7th Avenue. Organizers expect over 80 teen and adult volunteers (some who’ve been…
With an estimated 3,400 people living on the street in 2022, on Give Miami Day Camillus House wants to inspire you to help us serve Miami-Dade’s homeless. Since the pandemic began, life became more difficult for many Miamians, especially for…
Felicia Johnson engaging with a client Five days out, with Miami-Dade in the cone of uncertainty, the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust’s emergency weather activation began. Just prior to Hurricane Ian attaining Category 3 status, Camillus House implemented our comprehensive Emergency…
MIAMI, FLA – Today, Camillus House recognizes its 62nd Anniversary of serving homeless persons in Miami-Dade County. In 1960, Brother Mathias Barrett, founder of Camillus House, came to Miami and responded to a need to aid Cuban immigrants arriving in…
After a long hiatus due to the Covid pandemic, Camillus House’s Project Unleashed pet event which was established nearly a decade ago, made a comeback in late June. The event had been on hiatus due to the Covid pandemic.…
Apartment Investment and Management Company, a diversified real estate investment company, has pledged $1,000,000 to Miami-based Camillus House to support expanded workforce development programs. In discussions with Miami’s civic and community leaders it became clear that despite a strong job market, many of Miami’s…